As reported in News 27.11.13. the CAA have chucked a consultation paper out thinly disguised as a Press Release. They have left little time to respond to it so we have sent a statement out to as many people as we could think of and asked them to circulate it. We have always felt pretty strongly about any legislation that has the potential to make ballooning more expensive or complicated than it has to be and try to respond accordingly. We have had a few very successful campaigns over the years thanks to the wide support from balloonists everywhere. This is no different and could actually open the doors to the CAA actually understanding some of our grievances. It might not though but we’ll keep the pressure up. Action is needed and pretty post-ockta proctor doctor so get scribbling please. Your response could be as simple as you ‘don’t think the CAA has any idea how EASA affects ballooning’ or that ‘the current legislation and eagerness of the CAA adopting and gold-plating all the EASA legislation is driving General Aviation including ballooning into extinction’ and don’t forget the ageism question on licensing! A copy of our response is at the end of the article CAP1123 CAA Red Tape Challenge – Responding to the response. If you are a member of the British Balloon & Airship please make sure you note that at the end of any response you make. The CAA publication is downloadable as a pdf file from It isn’t an onerous read as it sounds. Honest, well maybe a bit.