Balloon Meets 

2012 Tochigi Hot Air Balloon Championship – nice one Lindsay
The Tochigi Championship is not to be confused with the Saga event. I am informed that Saga is on a different island with a different set of organisers and is a different event all together. That told me then. The Tochigi Hot Air Balloon Championship is a CIA Category1 event making it a far more… Read More ›

Great British Long Jump 2012 – RB reports
It was in 1984 that Robin Batchelor was sat eating breakfast with fellow commercial pilots after yet another woefully short flight out of a showground and down into the car park that he challenged them to see who could fly the furthest in one flight after the end of the season when the thermals died… Read More ›

One Man and Wellie Meet – Welshpool
This years ever popular One Man Meet was held over the weekend of the 5-7 October and organiser, the ever thoughtful Mr Dunnington, once again provided weather to suit, albeit a bit wet underfoot. It had been hoped that some flying could have been done from nearby Powis Castle but the lawn had become a… Read More ›

Grass Roots – The Formula for Success
Since the Grassroots Meet ended there has been an enormous flurry of goodwishes to Ultramagic and the Sackville Crew on Facebook, Twitter and the BBAc Forum. Steve ‘cloudhopper’ Roake kindly sent us his take on the event. Steve writes; There are some things in life that just have success written all over them. From the… Read More ›

Its a stonker – Sackville 2012 Excels
“It’s the relaxed way its so unorganised but just seems to work which makes this so brilliant”, explained a first time visitor to the Ultramagic Grass Roots Meet on Saturday afternoon clutching a rather over-filled pork and stuffing (with a splash of apple and salad) roll fresh from the pig roast. Having arrived Friday, flown,… Read More ›

Smiling happy faces-BBM&L Inflation Day
Smiling happy faces-BBM&L Inflation Day 2012 Now, it is a while since we ventured past the Clocktower to attend a balloon meet proper but despite a very dreary day, low cloud and drizzle, that is exactly what we did, just that, on Saturday 19th May. Following a bit of a let down on the original… Read More ›
In the knick of time ….Grass Roots 2011
Organiser Rob Cross gives a low down on the history, organisation and, just when everyone thought it was nearly too late, a report on last years great event. Rob started the Grass Roots event at Sackville Lodge Airfield in 2008 having been heavily influenced by the long-standing Icicle Meet held every January near Hungerford, and… Read More ›
Complicated doings at Sackville Lodge
After three roll-overs Rob Cross and team finally announced that the world renowned Grass Roots Meet, at the delightful Sackville Lodge airfield near Riseley just north of Bedford, a go-go for the weekend of the 1st and 2nd October. This was deemed cutting it a bit fine by some but any misgivings were quickly dispelled… Read More ›