Easy Balloons 
Welcome 03.12.2024
Good grief hadn’t realised that nothing has been put up since January. I have no idea where the time has gone but do know that so much has been going on I seem to have been severely distracted. Appalling state of affairs on our part but things have been a tad hectic to say the least and ballooning rather too political at all levels. On the home front… [more …]
Welcome 24.01.2024.
Crikey! After many months of running silent this is becoming a weekly event! Up next is the CAA’s best selling ‘Balloon Working Group Recommendations Paper – Work Strand 2: Instructor and examiner requirements for instructing and examining pilots seeking the Balloon licence and/or ratings’. [more …]
Welcome 15.01.24
Well now here we are again. Saturday saw the British Balloon & Airship Club Special General meeting, somewhat forced upon them to explain why it appeared that they had not been representing the BBAC membership (and balloonists in general) in supporting a return to the old UK PPL/CPL licensing system [more …]
Welcome 08.01.2024
Indeed a warm welcome to you and we trust you had a lovely Christmas and wish all the very best for 2024. [more…]

Welcome 14.08.2023 – a return
Well what can we say? Time is trundling on and we need to get the Easy Balloons website back up to full strength so here we go, a mid-month edition with some bits and pieces that have gone unfinished for quite a while! First off, many will note that we have changed our opening days again. We are now open doors on Wednesdays on account of John’s good lady being poorly and him being a carer, plus lots of stuff non-ballooning that needs doing this end. That does not mean that we are not working other days if stuff is left with us, or if it is of an urgent nature. [more…]

Welcome 28.02.2023
It was with great sadness that Our great Pete passed away on 12th February, peacefully at his home in Quainton with all the family and his carer Charles with him. Pete had an amazing number of friends who came to visit, sent regards and generally kept in touch with him throughout. [more…]

Welcome 18.01.2023 – An update
For those of you who may not be aware, just a briefly to explain why we seem to have disappeared a bit. Sadly our son Pete’s brain tumour, which had appeared to have been finally defeated to a controllable state, made a very aggressive return last year and in the past few months his condition has deteriorated extremely quickly meaning that he needs constant care. [more…]

Welcome 22.11.2020
Now well into the new lockdown and yup we are working. Got stuff to get done and more stuff that should have been done ages ago. Thankfully we have got through everything unscathed and managed to maintain a modicum of normality, as far as it usually goes! Our Pete has completed his final batch of a years’ Chemo and is about to face a month or two of withdrawal I expect. That’ll be our excuse. After a couple of shaky moments, which were put down to stubbornness and fatigue, Jane’s dad is still intent of establishing himself as a 101 year old in April 2021 and dismissing cold callers with a fair degree of flair. [more…]

Welcome 12.09.2020
A very warm and happy welcome to you wherever you are and whatever adventure you are having. Thank you for dropping by. Been nice to see the occasional balloon floating about and all in all we haven’t heard of any incidents. This edition is intended to be a triffic foray into stuff new. We have gone to working three days a week which means the other two days are quietly uninterrupted and we can get even more done! Outside of working, the workshop lottie has just gone bonkers and many a customer has left with runner beans, courgettes, marrows, toms and pretty much whatever is going mad. John is sick of courgettes. [more…]

Welcome 25.07.2020
Well now, before we realised, its nearly not July but nearly August and although things seem to be improving all is far from well and there is an increasing concern that their will be a bit of a resurgence which is starting to occur elsewhere as the easing of the measures takes place so please continue to take care. Apologies, I did start writing this out first week of July but got waylaid somewhat. Our village has a couple pubs open the rest are leaving it to the end of the month to see how it goes! Our local is unlikely to re-open until September earliest which means Paul the Tallest Man in Wendover can concentrate on his allotment. So, greetings to you all. [more…]